
Setting Up Chat to Show the Origin URL

  • 7 March 2023
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 4
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Data is a powerful thing that can help you better understand your business and customers, improve efficiency and user experience, among many other things. Have you ever wondered where the web chats were coming from? Are you data driven and see all the possibilities that come with attaining this information? By the end of this, you will also be able to identify what URL a web chat conversation originated from!


I will discuss some of the many possibilities that become available with attaining this data. One way this data could be used is for trend analysis. If you are already using a custom attribute to classify the contact reason of conversations, you can identify what contact reasons for chats are coming from specific pages of your website.

Another possibility would be to use the website to determine which queue/team conversations are routed when they come from a specific website by using a queue rule checking the website listed in the custom attribute. For example, if you have a chat inquiry that originates from you can route these conversations to your sales team.

The final example I will provide is using the website URL to understand the volume of conversations coming from different areas of your website and using this data to look at what improvements could be made to those pages to help customers get the answers they need without reaching out to your team. This information could also be used with proactive chat rules to initiate a proactive chat with a conversational assistant or deflection to help the customers get their answers reducing your conversation volume!




To set this up, you will need to create a custom conversation attribute to store the URL in. This can be achieved by navigating to Settings > Platform > Klasses and then selecting the Conversation Klass. Once you have drilled into the Conversation Klass you will use the + Create Attribute button FZs8Ksc0ZrZMCw60S_DZ3UOnye_LBtug43zzBnEdReKmKXv-JGpmqxDQOk5b71lIvcLXVWbINaRKTssmQkt7UuB_8J_JDp5p1spLS8DFGPpohuBf-3X6y-pjXkPXxO2dsfAvs7Go2aXAoVFkBVvrc5kto start the creation of your new custom attribute. Add a “Display Name” and select the “Type”. The “Display Name” can be anything you would like the attribute to be called, and the “Type” can be either a Single line text or URL.


Once the attribute setup has been completed, you are ready to add the code to your chat SDK! I won’t go into great detail about this step but rather provide an example of how the chat SDK can be used to set values to custom attributes, in this case the Chat URL attribute we created. If you do have more questions or need additional help with the chat SDK/s you can visit any of our exquisite resources (Help Center, Kustomer University, Kustomer Community, or Developer Portal). Here is a screenshot of how the SDK could look and a sample code set of the SDK.









  Kustomer.start({brandId: "Brand-Id"}, () => {

  Kustomer.addListener('onConversationCreate', (res) => {


    conversationId: res.conversationId,

    customAttributes: {

      customAttributeName: window.location.href







Once this has been implemented into your SDK you will now record the URL that each chat conversation originated from. Congratulations!


If you have any questions or experience any issues while implementing this, please comment below and we’ll be in touch!

4 replies


Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to work.  I’ve attempted to leverage the customAttributes parameter in both the Kustomer.createConversation and Kustomer.describeConversation methods, unsuccessfully.

Copying and pasting the example above also failed.  Any thoughts/suggestions?

The code follows:

Kustomer.start({ brandId: 'brandId', assistantId: "assitanctId" }, () => {

  Kustomer.addListener('onConversationCreate', (res) => {



      conversationId: res.conversationId,

      customAttributes: {

        requestedUserId: "userId"





    message: 'Test Message'




Hi @joseraulrivera-dc, could you provide some additional details regarding the behavior you’re seeing? Is the custom attribute “requestedUserId” not populating in Kustomer when a conversation is created? Just to confirm, is there an existing conversation attribute in your instance named “requestedUserId”?

I tested the code you shared, and everything looks to be working correctly. The chat is initialized with a provided Brand and Assistant ID, then the event listener “onConversationCreate” is added to describe the conversation on create with attributes that exist in my testing environment, and finally a conversation is created with an initial message of “Test Message”.

Appreciate the clarification!


Thank you for your response.  The effect is that the requestedUserId custom attribute we pass does not get added to the conversation.  It does exist as an active custom attribute in the Conversation Klass (see screenshot).  Ideally, we could set the value as part of the Kustomer.createConversation call.  Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to work, for any either of the two custom Attributes below.  the requestedAgentStr attibute does get populated as part of the Kustomer.describeConversation call (which executes as a result of the onConversationCreate event.


@joseraulrivera-dc Thank you for that additional context! I’ll be reaching out via email to schedule some time to review this more in depth with you, but I believe the issue is likely related to the data type of the attribute you are trying to describe on the conversation (User ID).


I’ll be in touch soon!
