Unable to send WhatsApp Templates programmatically using create draft (Invalid Sender)

I am trying to send WhatsApp Templates programmatically from our systems via API calls (ex: order confirmation).

It looks like the way to achieve this is using the Create draft for Customer endpoint.

I seem to be able to correctly call the API, and I get a 201 response code, as below:

A conversation is created on the Kustomer interface, but the message is not going through. The Kustomer interface shows the error 400 - Invalid Sender

How ever, I am using our registered phone number:

I would love help either making this API Call working or finding another route to sending template whatsapp messages programmatically.

Additional information:

  • I am able to send the template through the normal Kustomer interface
  • I had a hard time finding the template ID for the meta/template field - I ended up going in the inspector on chrome and looking for IDs on the templates page. I might have the wrong template ID, but I don’t know where to find them
    • PS: I tried the /v1/whatsapp/accounts/{accountId}/templates as suggested by the documentation, but I couldn’t find my accountID either
  • I’ve tried using Facebook Graph API directly, however it’s not possible because the WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) is shared between us and Kustomer
    • FB integration support confirmed that info
    • Error code: '(#200) You do not have the necessary permissions required to send messages on behalf of this WhatsApp Business Account'
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