3 Ways Your CX Team Can Nurture Life Long Customer Relationships

It’s 2022 and your CX team can do a lot more than solve customer problems. They have the unique opportunity to invoke positive feelings within your customers — feelings that can help develop stronger, longer lasting relationships. Whether you’re a B2B, B2C or D2C business, focusing on nurturing customer relationships will pay dividends. Read on to learn three ways your team can develop beyond problem solving to increase customer loyalty and lifetime value.

1. Nurture your customers by treating them as individuals.

To treat customers as unique individuals, you first must learn about them and use what you learn during service interactions. Let’s start with the first thing you typically learn about someone: their name.

According to the Washington Post, “A person’s name is the greatest connection to their own identity and individuality. Some might say it is the most important word in the world to that person … When someone remembers our name after meeting us, we feel respected and more important. It makes a positive and lasting impression on us.”

Are you collecting customer names today? If yes, your CX team should be calling customers by their name as often as possible. With the combination of Kustomer’s dynamic text and shortcut feature, CX agents can automatically insert customer first names into responses. This saves ample time for agents and leaves a positive impression on your customers.

2. Collect enriched customer data to enable a tailored CX experience.

To nurture is to care, and give attention to, someone or something that is growing or developing. The relationship your customers have with your brand on an individual level develops over time. Your CX team can and should adjust it’s approach to reflect those different stages. It’s clear: CX teams excelling in this category do so because they’re enabled with data. If one of your highest spending customers comes into the support queue, treating them like the VIP they are would make for a fitting experience. Being able to identify which customers fall into this segment is where enriched customer data comes into play. This approach can be reimagined for any kind of customer segmentation that aligns with your business.

3. Use a customer timeline to optimize agent communication.

As your relationships mature over time you’ll develop a history with your customers. With the Customer Timeline within the Kustomer platform, you’re arming your agents with that rich history. By adding tracking events you can further enable your CX team to tailor their communication to fit the customer’s profile as well as where they are on their journey with your brand. Whether that be giving a new customer a warm welcome or seamlessly picking up an older conversation right where it left off, your team has the tools at their fingertips to personalize interactions and build lasting connections.

Nurturing your customers for life long relationships starts with a human-centric approach, and that’s why Kustomer was built.