Knowledge Base Theme File Basics

Themes are a way for you to customize the look and feel of your knowledge base. Every organization has access to predesigned templates that come included with Kustomer. You can use a template when creating your customized theme.

If you have multiple brands configured, you can have a different theme for each knowledge base, ensuring that each brand delivers their own unique experience.

Getting Started

First navigate to your themes page under the “Knowledge Base” section of Settings. 


You can create a theme by clicking the “Add Theme” button. 

Choose a starting template, name your theme, and you’re ready to start the editing process.

Note that there are two modes of editing – a visual mode and a code editor. This blog post will walk you through using the visual editor. If you want to use the template theme as is, you can save and publish right away. 

Otherwise most components can be customized. There are seven editable sections, each with their own settings:


This is where you can configure a banner notice. This can be very helpful for notifying customers of planned maintenance or any other important information your Knowledge Base visitors should know. 

You can set the announcement text and a special “Call to Action” link that visitors can click for more information. The color scheme of the banner can be customized using the built in color pickers.


Here you can create a navigation bar with links to commonly accessed pages. 

Be sure to save your changes by clicking “Save Draft” before previewing.You can add a maximum of five links.  


The search page is often the homepage of your Knowledge Base.You can customize the primary and secondary welcome text as well as the default placeholder text in the search box. 


You can also choose a custom backdrop image and set its opacity using the slider. 

Category Grid

Some customers might not know what to search for right away and would prefer a selection of categories.The categories will be automatically populated based on your existing categories. You can set the primary and secondary text to introduce visitors to the categories section. 

Featured Articles

You can choose to feature a selection of curated articles to be displayed prominently. When creating or editing an article you can toggle its featured status from its settings page. 

You can also add primary and secondary text to introduce your visitors to your featured articles section.

Contact Us

You can add a custom “Contact Us” button to your Knowledge Base. Its link can be set to any webpage or you can use a “mailto” address to direct visitors to their email client.You can also customize the primary and secondary text appearing before the button. 


The Knowledge Base footer can contain copyright information, links to other web pages, social media links.

  • You can set the copyright text in the “Copyright Info” box.
  • You can set up to five navigation links and five social media links in the footer.
  • You can also customize the text and background colors.


When you’re satisfied with your changes, you can click the “Save and Publish” button to finalize your work! 🎉

For more information, you can always reach us by emailing: