Satisfaction - Best Practices for Advanced CSAT

Customer Satisfaction surveys are your best tool to understanding the strong and weak points of your business by getting feedback directly from the best source - your customers themselves.

While creating customer surveys can look deceptively simple, the challenge lies in correctly identifying your survey’s end goals and what feedback is actually valuable to your organization.

With Kustomer’s Satisfaction Surveys, you are able to get a real pulse on what your customers are feeling, in not just one, but multiple facets of your business and customer experience. 

Ask More Questions

Want to gauge both agent and product experience? Need feedback on price and not just quality of service? Differentiating your customers from your partners’ feedback?

Then the solution is in leveraging our multi-question CSAT survey. Kustomer’s CSAT model allows you to ask both multiple close-ended and free-text questions.

  1. Multiple Close-Ended Questions

Besides using the Rating Scale, you can add Multiple Choice and Check All that Apply questions to give respondents predefined choices to select.

You can also use this type of question for segmenting. Differentiate feedback by demographics, market, product type, and so much more. Here are some examples:

Pros: Multiple choice questions are easy to complete and analyze, great for mobile devices, and make for great survey starter questions.

Cons: Close-ended questions tend to collect limited and mostly quantitative data. The solution? Include ‘Other’ as an answer option and follow up with a free text question.

  1. Free-Text Questions

Your most valuable feedback will come from this type of question as it allows you to gather meaningful insight from respondents on various aspects of your product or service, and shed light on issues you may not have considered.


Pros: Open ended questions provide qualitative data that are invaluable to improving your business.

Cons: Can be lengthy to complete and challenging to analyze. The key is to avoid long and leading questions, and avoid starting your surveys with an open-ended query. Get your customers to commit to low-effort closed questions first, and they’ll be more likely to stay on the page, and then spill their thoughts in open text.


Different Forms for Different Folks

If your organization has different customer relationships, you can create different Kustomer surveys for each of your target audiences. For instance, you may have both business and retail customers, government and private consumers, individual consumers and bulk buyers, etc.

Once you’ve segmented your customers and their profiles in Kustomer, you can use distinct customer attributes to create different survey forms:

What’s more, Kustomer CSAT is available across multiple channels. You can send voice, email, chat, SMS, Facebook, and Social Media survey forms!

Timing your Surveys

You can configure surveys to be perfectly timed to when your customers are more likely to respond using our Delay, Lock out Period and Cool Down Period features.

Set how soon your survey should be sent after a conversation has been marked done using Delay. There’s no universal rule as it really depends on your product or service type, target audience, survey length, and what part of the customer journey you want to trigger the CSAT.

Lock out Period allows you to set a period within which your respondents can respond and edit their surveys:

Cool Down Period determines the frequency with which you can have your customers receive a survey regardless of how many interactions they have with your team:


Survey’s Sent. Now What?

With Kustomer, the journey does not have to end with the customer’s response (or non-response) to your CSATs.

You can use powerful tools such as Workflows and Business Rules to trigger follow-up interactions for specific responses. 

You may wish to improve neutral or negative ratings by routing those customer conversations to a special team for escalation or follow through. 

Or send a thank you email to customers sharing positive feedback. Or entice them to link or share their surveys on other online platforms.

You can use various Satisfaction attributes in Business Rules (see below) and Workflows to send messages or update your customer’s data in Kustomer.

If you want to read more on creating satisfaction surveys, then check out our help article here

Need help creating follow-up engagements with your customers post-survey? Feel free to reply to this post and start the conversation!