Using conversation/customer audit logs

Written by Eric Tovar, Technical Support Engineer @ Kustomer

Using conversation/customer audit logs

Ever wondered why certain actions happened for a conversation or a customer profile? One of the first steps when investigating why certain actions happened is to simply check the Audit logs.

Customer Audit Log:
Accessing the audit log from the customer will show all events that have occurred on that specific customer.

Conversation Audit Log:
Accessing the audit log from a conversation will show all events that have occurred on that specific conversation and includes CSAT events such as, how a survey was answered.


Once you have the audit logs open we are presented with a popup showing you the events and actions taken on a conversation or customer.

The audit log consists of the following columns:

  • Performed By - Shows the User or System Automation which took the action. System Automations are workflows, business rules, queue router, or APIs. 

  • Date - The date and time the event took place.

  • Event - The type of change tracked, such as Update, Create, or Login.

  • Section - The standard object or setting that was updated.

  • Property - The specific attribute that was changed. For example, this could be Assigned Users, Status, Name, Email Address, or Tags.

  • Before & After - The specific attribute information that changed on an object. For example, these columns could show that a conversation status went from Open to Done.
    Note: You can see more details for what was changed in the criteria or action by hovering over the Before and After columns.

Kustomer audit logs are optimized to store your organization's most important data. Logs are stored for certain periods of time depending on the type of audit log.

View this PAGE to get more information on what time periods certain events are stored.

Now, let us say for example you are wanting to know how a conversation was assigned based on the Queues and Routing you have set up. 


You can see this by clicking on the event performed by the Router, there you see the before and after of where the conversation ended up being assigned to. 

It also shows the timestamp of when it entered that specific Queue.

Another example would be if you are wanting to know if and what actions a workflow took on the conversation. 

Here we can see that the Update event was created by the “Postmark message receive” workflow reopened the conversation due to a New message being received signified by the Create event that also shows a portion of the message body received in the Section column. 

This also applies to Agent Action which could inform you who was the Agent that marked the conversation done. See the example below,

Here we can see that “Eric test” was the agent responsible for this conversation being closed, along with a timestamp and “user_ended” which means this conversation was ended by a user. 

Last but not least, you can also view when a Business rule runs on a conversation and see what actions it applied to a conversation.

Here we can see that a Business rule has run and applied two updates to this conversation, It added a Tag named “Example” and also changed the Priority from 3 to 1.

Currently, the log does not show the name of the business rule that ran but you can easily find this by searching through your Business rules to find one that shows the actions that were performed in the log. In this example, it would be a Business rule that adds a tag and changes the priority. 

There are other actions that can log in to the conversation audit but these are a few examples of common things that are important to know, other events could be related to API actions or also actions taken by integrations, to name a few. 

Once you get comfortable with viewing logs in a conversation it is very similar to how the customer audit logs are as well. 

In this example for customer logs, we see an Update event was performed by a user “eric test”, in this action we see that “” was removed from the list of emails the customer has, this is depicted in the before and after. 

Along with the removal of the email, we can also see that the “lastOrderId” Attribute was also updated to include the number “999999”. 

Just like conversations, workflows and business rules can also update customer information as well, 

In this example, we can see that a workflow named “update-customer” performed some update events on a customer.

Based on the Before and After columns we can see that the email was changed to “” and the Twitter username was changed to “twitterhandle”.

Lastly, you can also see that the “orders” customer attribute was changed to “100”. 

Audit logs for conversations and customers can be a powerful tool to help investigate an array of actions that can happen during the course of a customers relationship with your Organization, whether you are looking to find out if agents made changes to a conversation or customer or if you are testing workflows, business rules, API request,

Audit logs can steer you in the right direction to troubleshoot if the actions taking place are intended or not.

To view more information on what is tracked in audit logs visit this PAGE to see what information is tracked based on what area on the platform.

Now next time you are asking yourself “why” or “what” happened to a conversation or customer, start with investigating the audit logs to eliminate the confusion and begin to gain control over what is happening in your organization.