Using Standard Reports as a Service Leader

As leaders in support and services roles, we are responsible for providing an outstanding customer experience for our clients. A focus point for ensuring a great client experience is both understanding and improving upon key performance indicators within your organization.

Some of these metrics may be more or less important for different organizations, but Kustomer has supplied a robust standard report library that allows you to view these metrics for your organization. You can even filter these reports. Let’s take a look at the Standard Reports in Kustomer.

First, in order to access the reporting feature, click on the Reporting icon (

) from the left side menu within Kustomer. After accessing the Reporting page, you will be shown a list of Standard reports. While there are multiple reports, let's focus on three key reports that can help you with your business.

Remember to choose the date range you would like to view from the top of your Kustomer Report page. 


The Overview report is the first report you see when you access the Reporting page. Here is a one stop shop for many high level reports. You can filter your reports via the Filter section at the top of the report page. This is important if you only want to see certain data such as with/without tags or team.

In the Overview report, you can see data such as Conversations Received by Channel, Avg Messages per Conversation, and Resolution Time. These are key metrics when first establishing your organization's baseline and then checking in to see improvement based on training and processes. These metrics are basic indicators of customer satisfaction. Clients like quick initial responses, accurate responses, and issues solved in a timely manner.

With the Comparison Over Time panel you can see your volume overtime, based on your timeframe set on the report. You can view overall fluctuations based on time criteria such as hour, day, week, or month. 


The SLAs report allows you to see how your agents are working in relation to your Service Level Agreements. As a note, you will need to set up SLAs from within your Settings page located within the Settings (Gear Icon) from the left menu. Within Settings, choose Workspace → Service Level Agreements to set up your SLAs. You can learn more about configuring SLAs in this article in our Knowledgebase.

Once you have SLAs configured, you will be able to see your SLA metrics on the Report. The two panels on this report will allow you to see Conversations by Status (Breached/Achieved/or Pending), and Conversations by Metric, which allows you to see specific metrics in relation to Breached or Satisfied SLAs.

Note, you can configure more than one SLA, the SLA page will show all SLAs. For example, if you have a SLA for First Response Time, and one for Total Open Time, there is a chance a conversation will appear as Satisfied for one SLA and Breached for another.

Remember, you can use the Filter section of the report to focus on specific conversations. 


The Heatmap report is one of the newest standard reports in Kustomer. This allows you to view your incoming volume, First Response Time, and Resolution Time, averaged across each hour of each day. The bigger your date range, outlined in the date range box at the top of your Kustomer page, the more days will be added to your average.

This report is useful for understanding where your highest volume hours are for each day. This is important when staffing and working through your workforce management plans. You can also spot trends and get ahead of changes in volume should you experience seasonal variations in volume. With Response and Resolution Time, you can better understand where it is taking longer to work on conversations. Are you experiencing variations in these times with changes in resources? These important questions can be addressed when you understand your incoming volume.

Remember to set filters. You can save filters at the top of the Heatmap report where you can pinpoint these metrics for whichever subset of data you would like to see, such as a particular team, only conversations with a specific tag, and even by channel.

These are just a few reports that can assist you with understanding your business. You can even build your own custom reports, which allow you to get even more focused on your business. You can learn more about Standard Reports HERE and more about Customer Reports HERE.